This site is not being actively updated anymore. The new site for the NHS 1980 Alumni is:
Please go there to see future updates and to create your new profile. Profiles from this site were not brought over automatically.
Class Overview
This page will have a list that includes each person's information. You will be asked to create a profile so that YOU can update your info as needed. We approve the registration only once and then you can make whatever changes you want within your profile. Your 1980 yearbook picture is scanned (for the "then" picture), and I will add it once your profile is set up.
Please look at the existing list prior to creating a new profile. We have uploaded info already on file to make this easier for you. When you click on an existing profile for the first time, it will ask you for the email address that we have on file for you. It will then send you a username and password to that email address.
If you do not see your name in the list, please create your username on this page First. This will allow you to use that username throughout the site. If you create a new username from other parts of the site, you will have multiple usernames to manage.
Classmates In Memory