It seems that graduation was just yesterday (I wish). So many people have wanted to stay in touch in some manner and technology has finally allowed us to expand our abilities to do so. I hope this site is a helpful tool for all of us to stay in touch and keep informed of new happenings, future reunions and classmate information. I will try to keep this up to date as best as possible but I will need all of your help. I have started with some baseline information and hope to expand, correct and enhance from everyone's input. I'll try to make this fun, or atleast as fun as funds allow. Just plain helpful information to keep us in touch. With that in mind, on with the show.....
....Dave Anderson
Do you know people who do not have a NHS1980 profile yet?
Even though we say we will keep in touch after high school, we only really keep in touch with one or two classmates. Why not tell two NHS 1980 classmates about this site! They will tell two friends and so on and so forth. Soon we will have all 475 classmates.